
salawin national park |
good mornin' |

"... in my opinion..." |
building SANDcastles |

monster by the lake |
in appreciation |

a portraiture |

ICE broken at last |

into the SALAWIN forest |

first RIVER crossing |

MISTY forest
the mud THICKENS |

do the milkSHAKE |
how to keep your BOOTS clean |

to ban ta tha fan |
pathfinding |

where is the road? |
lunch BREAK |

headFUSION |
comfy on the chair |

rocks & noodles for LUNCH? |
the PURSUIT continues |

the OFFROAD convoy |
river RUNNING |

praying to the LANDIE god
the DIP |

hang on ! |
testing articulation |

the three JEEPS |
cresent MOON |