Phnom Penh: 28 Aug 2003


Light on the National Assembly

This is the view that greets me every morning... my home in Phnom Penh is just across the National Assembly Building on Rue 246.


Wat Botum

The morning light is just stunning on the yellow and golden motifs of Wat Botum. One of the city's original wats, it was founded in 1422 by King Ponhea Yat. It's current name was taken in 1865, and it's present structure built in 1937.


Under the Bodi Tree

As with all Bodi trees throughout the country, many shrines and alters sits all around beneath this huge Bodi tree just outside Wat Botum.



Within every wat are many small grave stupas, which houses the ashes of important monks and abbots of each wat. The stupas have intricate carvings, are marvelous work of art to admire.


Drying Out the Robes

All visitors are able to explore freely about in the wats. Deeper within the compound are the living quarters of the monks. Bright orange robes stand out to dry in the morning sun. 


All Things Orange

Nuns having breakfast from this noodle vendor. Behind are more orange robes on the clothesline, and a bright orange lorry belonging to the wat.



Every morning, these young boys beat each other up at the Cambodia-Vietnam Friendship Park. An ancient Korean art of self defense, Hapkido is about harmony of the body and spirit, and controlling the energies of life and body. 


Sensuous Curves

Usually packed with many joggers, the Cambodia-Vietnam Friendship Park seems empty this morning. 


Funeral Procession

Death in Cambodia is a noisy occasion with loud music playing throughout the day and night. Oddly, these boys in red are the lead of a funeral procession.


Funeral Cyclos

Death of a richer local... a long procession of cyclos bearing funeral banners line the street awaiting the procession to proceed. So, cyclos are not just for ferrying passengers and goods about the city.



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